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Educational Materials and Tools:There's a fair amount of donated equipment, kits and information to help people learn electronics and making in the space. Here's a few examples:
Upcoming Events:
Subscribe to the Robots & Dinosaurs Google calendar here: XML, iCal, HTML or with Google Calendar ID e2698k726efpjnnpi4k0dd5h24@group.calendar.google.com
Join the Sydney Hackerspace Mailing List for news and babble.Visit the Blog for what we've been up to recentlyCome visit at Unit 10, 27 Bank St Meadowbank on an open day!
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Comments (6)
Kean Maizels said
at 11:10 pm on Apr 24, 2009
If you are new here, please consider adding your details to the directory
karl Beigan said
at 5:28 pm on Apr 25, 2009
This is Perth hackspace, I'm interested in the encouragement of collaborating between the different hackspaces:
Were possible guy's can you please give all Oz Hackspaces a mention
Adelaide: http://groups.google.com/group/mindrail
Brisbane: http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspace_brisbane
Perth: http://hacklabperth.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Otherwise in the interest of fermenting interstate collaboration on ideas I've posed the following question (see the question in full - http://hacklabperth.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=20)
"I'm interested in hearing all your idea's about you dream Hackspace project. In other word, what open-source, blue-sky widget you would like to help create."
Marcus Schappi said
at 8:29 am on Apr 28, 2009
Karl join the google group / mailing list :-)
WauloK said
at 9:07 am on Jul 18, 2009
Why does my IE8 say "This page contains Java"?
Java makes me a sad panda ...
lanky said
at 3:24 pm on Jul 19, 2009
Last night was fun!
zobier said
at 12:48 pm on Sep 11, 2009
I'd like to add my details to the directory, but I get a security error (I assume you have to be allowed to edit).
Also, I generally have my kids with me on Saturdays but I'd like to come round, is it cool if I bring them?
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