

This version was saved 11 years, 11 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Gavin Smith
on February 25, 2013 at 10:28:41 am


For current information regarding membership, resources and events, please see http://www.robodino.org 


Robots and Dinosaurs

A Sydney Hackerspace and place for making things


Hackerspaces are venues for geeks, nerds and eggheads to share resources, work on projects and collaborate together.  Robots & Dinosaurs manages a space filled with technology, electronics, programming, engineering, 3D printing, photography, mechatronics, graphics and procrastination from the real world.


As we like to say, we're the only place you can get a soldering iron at 3am.


Whatever you're interested in, we want you to become a part of our community.  As long as you're geeky and proud of it.







The space: 

Gerard Ln




Tools & equipment

Interest groups


Make contact

Member directory





Other Hackerspaces

Membership and Day Pass details   




Lasercutter settings and examples


Passport Stamps


Up 3D printer instructions

Up 3D printer examples

 MakerBot instructions

Reflow Oven


The Little CNC

The Big CNC

Designing PCBs  

in free software

Cutting PCBs 

on our CNC mill 


Educational Materials and Tools:

There's a fair amount of donated equipment, kits and information to help people learn electronics and making in the space. Here's a few examples: 


RnD Kits and Circuits

3PI Robots  

Dagu Adventure Robot

Arduino Boards        



Upcoming Events: 



Subscribe to the Robots & Dinosaurs Google calendar here: XML, iCalHTML or with Google Calendar ID e2698k726efpjnnpi4k0dd5h24@group.calendar.google.com



Join the Sydney Hackerspace Mailing List for news and babble. 

Visit the Blog for what we've been up to recently

Come visit at Gerard Ln, Gladesville on an open day!






Icons courtesy of Oxygen KDE theme

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