Every Saturday at 10am we're at the hackerspace working on these ongoing projects, and more:
MakerBot CupCake CNC
Our hackers built a CupCake CNC -- a 3D plastic extrusion printer -- from a MakerBot Industries kit. (Don't be fooled into thinking it's easy just because it came in a kit; it took nearly ten hours of building, soldering, assembling and hacking to make the printer!)
Follow the steps in MakerBot instructions to print your own objects at the hackerspace. You can download pre-made plans for objects, or make your own using specialty software (anything that exports to .stl is ideal).
RFID security access system
Kean constructed an RFID security access system for the hackerspace. Members can buy an RFID tag which unlocks the front door and verifies each person with a PIN.
Max and Kathryn are building theremins using the deluxe Jaycar theremin kit, while Jaz has soldered together the same kit. Making the kit involves some soldering and assembling; it's a good project for a newbie with a little guidance. Gavin's interested in making a theremin, and Kathryn wants to steampunk hers.
Max has built a quad-copter (a four rotor helicopter) and recently showed it off to a documentary crew from Sydney University.
Ocean-going crafts
Huw has expressed interest in building a boat in the hackerspace backyard, while Jon Hirsch wants to build a second kayak out of plywood and fibreglass.
An actual Slurpee machine, yes seriously
Dave Field bought a second-hand commercial Slurpee machine -- the same kind you see at 7-11s -- and now it lives in the hackerspace kitchen. It runs on syrup, carbon dioxide, water and 16 amp power. Dave's still cleaning and repairing the Slurpee machine, but he hopes to get it up and running for the Halloween Talks and party.
You can also read about projects our members want to build.
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