Recommended Suppliers
Here are some recommended suppliers for electronics and related parts - especially those we'd like to support (i.e. are sponsors or have great pricing).
Please feel free to add or comment, but do not use this as a place to vent or slander any of them if you've had a bad experience.
Arduino & related
Little Bird Electronics (Sydney) (Just Brilliant!) (Arduino)
Sparkfun (USA) (Just what the label says) (Kean: shipping expensive, but otherwise great. Marcus: Shipping expensive! But great service!)
Dontronics (Aust.) Lots of good stuff (Kean: Another favourite, an Aussie source for many great products)
Electronics Components in Australia
Little Bird Electronics (Sydney) (Arduino, LCDs, Robotics, Tools, Wireless and more)
RoboteShop (Sydney) (Robot kits - wheeled, humanoid, servos, sensors and controllers)
Jaycar / Electus / Soanar (Electus are for wholesale, Soanar are for Industrial) (Kean: Using parts from Jaycar also mean good availability for others)
Rockby (Often have great deals on clearance stock) (Kean: My favourite supplier for experimental stuff, but not ideal as a commercial source)
RS Components (Old faithful, but expensive) (Kean: I order from them every month or two)
Farnell (The other old faithful...) (Kean: I order from them every month or two)
X-on (Mouser distributor in WA) (Kean: haven't used them yet, and site currently down)
Active Components (Mouser distributor) (Kean: haven't used them yet)
Computronics Kinsten Presensitised PCB / PCB drills / Powersupplies etc Development/controller boards, IC's, components. (Pete: Based in Thailand I believe, but with an aussie front. Never had an issue either way. Kean: Bought from them several times. They have good pricing. Only difficulty is you have to chase them if anything isn't in stock) Kits, surplus electronics and assorted misc. Sensors and controllers. A/V components and general electronics.
WES Components Huge range of components and parts
Protostack - ATMega prototyping boards, general (stacking) prototyping boards, related components
Electronics Components Overseas
Mouser (USA, but USD or AUD sales) (Kean: I order from them every month or two - flat rate shipping from US site, free from AU site)
Digikey (USA) (Kean: Never used, but highly recommended by all and sundry in the US) (vintage second hand electronics often hard to find/unique components) (they sell a range of sensors even geiger counters) ( microcontrollers and such) Development/controller boards, IC's, components. Kits, boards, components. (Marcus: Slow shipping...) Development/controller boards, IC's, components. (Marcus: Fast shipping & really great customer service!) Kits. Assorted. Focused on BEAM but has a nice collection of gearmotors and other components. Motors and motor related electronics and accessories. Open source hardware, kits, components.
Trossen Robotics Robotics and RFID Audio amps, Components, electronics tool
Other Geeky Stuff
Thinkgeek - of course! (USA)
DealExtreme - very cheap and free shipping on all kinds gadgets and crap (China) (conductive paint and fabrics - great for electro-graffiti) - similar to DealExtreame above
FTIR Related (they sell flat top orsam IR LEDS YAY!!)
Business contacts
Kean Electronics - Embedded Systems/Electronics Design Consultants
Links to other supplier lists Large collection of links to suppliers of arduino and other electronics.
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