Desinging PCBs
The good news is that it’s entirely possible to make PCBs using only free software!
Designing your board in Eagle:
This guide assumes you have already designed up your schematic and layed out a board in Eagle. For an introduction on how to do this check out the SparkFun eagle tutorials listed at the bottom of the page.
There are extensive amounts of free resources available to make using Eagle easier, such as parts libraries, user code and custom design rule checks. Check out some of the links listed in the appendix.
Generating Code for the CNC mill
The CNC mill requires G-code which contains the toolpath of all operations to be done in manufacturing the board. The following works through the steps of creating the g-code.
Installing PCB-Gcode
You can download it directly from the manufacturer’s website here, but for best results grab the file attached below to get PCB-gcode with sane settings based on the space’s mill. PCB-Gcode is written in User Language Program, a C like language for creating custom addons to the software.
Note: It’s a good idea to put addon ULP files in a separate folder and set up eagle to point to that directory too. That way if you upgrade eagle you don’t have to worry about losing your settings.
Add the routing path to the edge of the board
Eagle knows what the PCB traces and hole sizes of the components are, however you need to define the size of the board and tell eagle which parts should be routed free at the end of the operations.
- Use the ‘wire’ tool and make sure it’s drawing on layer ’46 – Milling’, with a width of 1mm (or whatever routing bit you choose)
- Draw the outline of the board, taking care to remember the tool width
- Feel free to add chamfers and remove 90* corners from the board, the mill can cut most shapes easily
Ready to Generate G-code
Generate G-code
- Use ‘File-->Run’ and then select ‘pcb-gcode-setup.ulp’
- Look at the settings and confirm that you are satisfied with the parameters (if you’ve downloaded the space’s then this should be fine)
- Click ‘accept and make my board’
This generates the following files for both the bottom and top layer
The etch files contain the toolpath for the PCB traces. The drill files are for holes in the board, and the mill files are for routing the board free after completion. Be careful not to confuse the bottom and top layers.
You can now take the G-code files and run them on the CNC as described in Cutting PCBs.
Visualising code (optional)
As an optional intermediate step, you can use software (such as NC plot) to visualize the toolpaths before loading them into Mach3 and cutting.
The toolpaths for a milled board
Tips for Milled boards
- Make sure the traces are wide enough. 16 thou or larger is a good size. (Note: confusingly a ‘mil’ is not anything metric. It’s 1/1000th of an inch! Just call it a ‘thou’ to avoid confusion)
- Avoid 90* angles in your traces where possible. Put nice 45* points in to avoid the copper lifting.
- Make sure vias are reasonably large. 0.5-0.7mm or larger with big pads.
Next steps, having a PCB manufactured professionally
Most fab houses accept ‘Gerber’ files for board manufacture (
Steps to do:
- Check out these tutorials on how to do it:
- Make sure the Electrical Rule Check (ERC) and Design Rule Check (DRC) pass.
- Check your board is working (make a prototype and test it exhaustively)
- Make the gerber files (instructions below)
- Check the gerber files with a 3rd party gerber viewer like ViewPlot ( This way you can see exactly what the fab house will see, and if it matches your vision.
- Send them off
Resources for PCB manufacture
Eagle Tutorials
Sparkfun’s tutorials are first rate:
A great guide for the beginner is here:
Eagle Resources & Addons
- Eagle Cad itself (used in freeware mode allows up to 100x80mm PCBs)
- PCB g-code, which allows you to make CNC capable g-code from your eagle files:
- SparkFun Part Libary:
- Expert system for choosing parts:
- If you have some EAGLE files with components you want to use in your own designs, you can extract the components into a library by running the user script called ‘exp-project-lbr.ulp’.
G-code appliations
- NC-Plot is a program which visualizes G-code files.
- For Mac users, a much sexier program called Pleasant-3D is available:
- CNC Simulator: views gcode before you cut. A little fiddly to use
Manufacturing Tutorials
- BatchPCB’s FAQ covers a lot of cool info if you’re planning on having your boards professionally made:
Gerber Viewers
- ViewPlot: Free Gerber Viewer
- Gerbv. Open source Gerber viewer (Linux):
- ViewMate: Free windows gerber viewer:
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