
The Little CNC

Page history last edited by Gavin Smith 12 years, 10 months ago

The space has a 3040 CNC which was purchased entirely through member donations and pledges. It's suitable for cutting wood, plastic and some light metals. Its main use is for making circuit boards (Instructions for designing and cutting PCBs are on the wiki) but it can be used for all sorts of engraving and cutting projects.


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  • Travel is approx 300x400mm, but with some restrictions

The CNC has a custom spindle controller made by Kean after the stock one broke. 



The manuals for the CNC are here:

     the details of the driving part 30400.doc

     the manual of the 30200,30400,60400.dot  



This machine can be dangerous. Tools can break and fly into people's eyes. Operation is only for people that have been inducted into its use by a board member. Safety glasses must be worn while using it.


Control of the machine is done by using 'Mach3' software and it runs standard G-code. 


The space has a license for 'CAMBAM' software, which can create the G-code files based of of drawings of part and 3D models off curved surfaces, etc.


Spindle Operation:

Turn on the spindle power and push the black button to increment the speed by 25%. Use the dial to fine tune if necessary. The red button stops the spindle.


Mach3 Settings:

(In case they ever get lost off the machine)

Save MACH3 configuration file and upload to the wiki!)



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