
3PI Robots

Page history last edited by Gavin Smith 12 years, 7 months ago

The space has a pair of 3Pi educational robots available for people to use:


1. Install the arduino software.

Get the arduino software if you haven't already. It's free and works on any operating system:



2. Add the 3Pi libraries to the arduiono:

You can download the 3pi libraries from here:


A tip is that if you copy the libraries to a libraries folder where your sketches are stored (Typically in 'My Documents'\Arduino\Libraries\, or similar) rather than in the arduino program folder, then it should work with any arduino version you have, and not require reinstallation later if you change.


3. Add the 3pi board definitions to the arduino software. 

Follow the instructions here: 



4. Test that you can download to the robot successfully.

Pick one of the example sketches, e.g. File-->Examples-->Pololu3Pi-->PID3piLineFollower.

Tell the arduino which board you're using. Just select  Tools-->Board-->Pololu3pi with 328 as the board type.

Tell it which programmer to use Tools-->Programmer-->USBASP as the programmer.

You can then download sketches by File-->'Upload Using Programmer' or by holding shift and clicking upload. 


Using the Robots:

There's an excellent set of resources ready made for the 3Pis:



Check out the 3Pi Users Guide for an in depth introduction to the robot. There should also be a printed copy in the space:



There are some readymade mazes on corflute in the space for you to use, or there's tape in the 3pi box for you to make your own:


Customizing the robots: 

The IO assignment is midway down this page:




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